The head massage concentrates on your head as a whole and scalp massage, promoting hair growth. Massaging your scalp with the purpose of hair growth requires applying pressure on the scalp using fingers. It enhances the blood circulation to the hair follicles, rejuvenates the roots, and conditions the scalp. Hair follicles are of hyperactive stem cells when given a boost of oxygen, growth of hair increases.
Scalp massages are a slow process to promote hair growth, but extremely useful. We recommend switching to traditional scalp massages and supporting natural ingredients to acquire the maximum gains.
Besides using nourishing oils that boost hair growth, you can also use tools like the massaging brushes to make the oils better into your scalp. However, you can do them at home. They are natural oils used in the scalp massage.
Things Required:
- Olive Oil – 4 Teaspoons
How To:
- Heat a cup of olive Oil
- Massage hair gently, especially on the scalp, and the hair ends.
- Let the Oil sit for 20 minutes on your head.
Then rinse your hair with a mild or natural shampoo. For the most beneficial outcomes, use it twice a week.
Why it Works:
Olive Oil holds Vitamin E, which makes your hair healthy and prevents hair fall. Massaging regularly with Olive Oil can also repair the problem of split ends.
Olive Oil moisturizes your hair and reduces scalp irritation, which further reduces dandruff. It is most beneficial for dry, thick hair.
Olive oil’s primary chemical elements are oleic acid, palmitic acid, and squalene. These are all emollients, which means they have softening qualities.