Honey has been used by almost every culture all around the world over the past 2,500 years. While the various health benefits of honey have made it an important element of traditional medicines such as Ayurvedic and Herbal treatments.
Even in Bible, its importance is specified.
Eat honey, my child, for it is good.
~ Proverbs 24:13
Honey is also a healthier sweetener, but you might be surprised to learn that this ingredient has tons of skin and hair benefits, too.
Beauty Benefits of Honey
1.Acne Treatment:
The anti-bacterial property of the honey can be used to cleanse the acne and kill the germs causing acne.
How to: Apply the raw honey to the affected part and wash it after 10-15 mins.
2. Pores Cleanser:
The enzymes in the raw honey keep the pores clean and clear. Also, the anti-bacterial property can clear the bacterial buildup in the pores, thus making the pores smaller.
How to: Add coconut oil with honey and mix it well till it becomes consistent. Apply it over clean and clear face and wash it after 10-15 minutes.
3. Scars
Honey has natural bleaching effect which can dramatically reduce the scars on the face or body.
How to: Apply raw natural honey on the scars regularly and wash it after 10-15 mins.
4. Moisturizer
Honey is a natural humectant (absorbs moisture to the skin), very soothing and hydrating. It is because of this property, honey is added to most of the face packs shown here.
How to: Apply raw natural honey as a face mask evenly on skin and wash off.
5. Anti-Oxidant
Honey is a natural antioxidant which can prevent aging process. The natural property of the honey can protect our skin from the harmful Ultraviolet sun rays.
Honey can protect our skin from these free radicals which cause premature aging and even to skin cancer.