Turmeric, when used regularly, can be a true elixir for life and keeps your skin young and supple. It’s antioxidant, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammation properties make it a real miracle herb in skin care.
Turmeric has been considered important in Indian culture for at least 4000 years. It is used as an important spice for Indian tradition foods because of its amazing health properties.
From ancient times, people have been using turmeric for skin, Hair. Turmeric provides a golden glow to the skin and its antibacterial properties fight against various other skin diseases.
Turmeric for Skin
1. Anti-Aging
Turmeric is one of the few natural ingredients that might help in skin tightening along with reversing aging due to its anti-oxidants and UV protecting action. The anti-oxidant property of the turmeric reverses the aging effects and removes the wrinkles that make you look older. Have a shower with turmeric for the young ageless skin!!!
How to: Mix turmeric with water or rose water, apply it directly on your skin and gently massage for few seconds. Then wash it off with cool water.
2. Treatment for Acne
Turmeric is useful in removing acne because of its antibacterial and antiseptic properties. Turmeric fights pimples and acne provides youthful glowing skin.
The antibacterial property of Turmeric inhibits the growth of pimple-causing bacteria and is especially beneficial in red or pus-filled pimples.
How to: Mix turmeric with honey and apply it directly on red pimples at night. Leave overnight and wash morning without any chemicals.
3. Reduces Sun Burn/Sun Tan
Curcumin which is present in Turmeric offers photoprotection. Curcumin protects skin from the harmful UV rays from the sun and protects us from the sunburn/suntan. Turmeric inhibits matrix metalloproteinase-2 enzyme which causes suntan.
How to: Take 2 teaspoon of sandalwood powder, 2 teaspoons of raw milk, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and a half teaspoon of turmeric. Mix it well. Apply this to your sun tan places on your skin. Let it dry then rinse it off using plain water.
4. Provides glow and even tone to skin
Hyper pigmentation occurs due to excessive production of melanin which causes uneven skin tone. Excessive production of melanin is caused by several factors such as the hormonal change in the body, exposure to excess sun, burning, contact with harmful chemicals, skin infection, irritation and skin injury etc.
Curcumin richly found in turmeric regulates the production of melanin that is responsible for giving the skin the dark color, dark spots, uneven skin patches and acne scar. This gives an even tone complexion, leaves your skin brighter and rejuvenated. Turmeric is a natural remedy that is free from side effect and is good for the skin.
5. Removal of unwanted hair from skin
Turmeric is known to reduce the growth of unwanted hair on regular use. From ancient times, it has been used in India as hair growth inhibitor. Still, Indian women from rural areas apply turmeric on their skin to inhibit unwanted hair growth and provide the natural glow to their skin.
How to: Mix some water with Turmeric to make it a paste. Apply the paste on the areas where you want to inhibit the growth of unwanted hair. On regular use, the unwanted growth is reduced greatly.
6. Reduces Wrinkles
The antioxidant property of the Turmeric makes the skin young and supple. Tumeric is one of the natural ingredients which helps in skin tightening thus reduces the wrinkles.
How to: Mix turmeric powder with rosewater to make a paste, apply to skin, let dry, and then rinse off. You should notice some fading benefits. Continue to use over time to reduce the appearance of wrinkling.
7. Control Oily Skin
People with oily skin will love turmeric. Turmeric naturally reduces the oil secretion by the skin thus keeping it dry.
How to: Mix freshly prepared pure sandalwood paste, turmeric. Apply this paste on your face and leave it for 10 minutes. Once the pack dries off, use warm water to rinse the pack.
8. Treatment of Stretch Marks
Stretch marks is a major problem for ladies. Turmeric can help lighten stretch marks.
How to: Mixture of Turmeric, raw milk will help lighten the marks. This pack will even out the skin tone. The pack should be applied daily and kept until it dries completely.
9. Treatment of Cracked Heels
The healing properties of turmeric can be used for the treatment of cracked heels. If your cracks in feet are due to some infection like athlete’s foot, turmeric is the remedy for you. Antibacterial property
How to: Mix equal quantity of castor oil and coconut oil, add a pinch of turmeric powder to it and make a paste. Apply this paste on your cracked heels.
10. Fades Dark Spots
Curcumin which is present in turmeric regulates the skin complexion thus reduces the dark spots on regular usage.
How to: Mix 2 teaspoon of sandalwood powder, 2 teaspoons of milk, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and a half teaspoon of turmeric.
11. Great for Sensitive Skin
Turmeric is great for use with sensitive skin. If the artificial creams or chemicals gives an irritation to your skin, then Turmeric is for you.
12. Healing Properties
The antibacterial and antioxidant property of the turmeric makes it a great healer. the antibacterial property fights off any infection and antioxidant property helps in prevention of further infection.
How to: Mix some Turmeric and raw milk. Apply on the affected areas. The healing property of turmeric helps in healing of the affected areas.
13. Prevents Skin Cancer
A number of studies show that curcumin indeed has anticancer property. It has the ability to kill cancer cells and inhibit the cancer cells from growing.
14. Treat chronic skin conditions
Turmeric is used in the treatment of many skin conditions like itching, eczema, and psoriasis. The antibacterial and antiinflammation property of Turmeric cures the skin.
15. Aids Weight Loss
Turmeric is known to accelerate the metabolism which burns fat faster thus resulting in weight loss. Turmeric Tea which is a famous for its thermogenic effects and effective in weight loss.
16. Combats Colds
Turmeric is known to fight the symptoms of cold and flu.
How to: Turmeric mixed with hot milk is known to cure cold and its symptoms.
17. Natural Detox
Turmeric Tea is the number one recommendation for Liver Detox Recommendation. Turmeric Tea stimulates the gallbladder to produce bile, which the liver then uses to eliminate toxins.
Things to keep in mind when using Turmeric
- Always use fresh Turmeric. Freshly grounded Turmeric are better.
- Use Kasthuri Manjal wherever it is possible. It has superior qualities than other types of Turmeric.
- Turmeric can stain your clothes easily. Be sure to wash your clothes immediately, if turmeric paste accidentally falls on clothes.
- Turmeric is safe to all types of skin. For some skin types, it is known to leave a stain.