The hair gets damaged due to the lack of protein in the scalp and the consumption of unhygienic food. Tension and stress also major problems of hair fall and hair loss.
People often take artificial treatments for treating hair loss. But these treatments are temporary and often burns a hole in the wallet. Natural treatments provides permanent solution to this hair problem.
In this post, we will see a simple yet effective natural remedy that strengthens hair naturally.
Things Required:
- Egg – 1 Nos
- Milk – 1 Cup
How To:
- Break the shell of the egg and pour it in the bowl.
- Stir the egg mixture until it reaches the thick consistency.
- Add Milk to the mixture.
- Mix it well till it becomes a thick paste.
Apply this mixture directly on scalp and gently massage for 20 minutes. Wash it thoroughly with plain water.
Continue this for twice a week for few months for smooth and shining hair.
Why it Works:
The egg contains b-complex vitamins and proteins which adding volume and thickness to the hair.
Milk contains calcium, which provides a natural shine and luster to the hair.