Bathing is purifying, life promoting, a destroyer of fatigue, physically removes sweat and dirt, is resuscitative and a promoter of ojas or divine energy
Charaka Samhita Sutrasthana shloka on Dinacharya
As per ayurveda, it is described that everyone should bath every single day within the first few hours of sunrise. Bathing is considered as so sacred and good start of day especially in Tropical Countries like India. It is so essential that people will never eat, cook or do any chores without taking bath.
Sweat from our skin removes the toxins from our body. Our body sweats through the tiny pores present on the skin. Sweat contains oil, dead cells and other toxins present in our body. If this sweat is not removed or cleaned properly, it can lead to many implications.
But the synthetic or artificial soaps which we use now a days are harsh on the skin and closes this pores. Without these pores sweat is not removed and so the toxins from our body. These toxins get accumulated in our skin which gives rise to many problems.
To clean or cleanse this sweat, ayurveda describes many ayurvedic powders which cleanses our skin gently and opens up these sweat pores and encourages removal of sweat. Finally, when the skin is cleansed with water, you feel refreshed, energized and ready for the day.
Here we describe one such powder that is described in the ayurvedic texts. This powder can be prepared easily in your home with readily available ingredients from your kitchen. But the benefits from this powder are numerous.
How to Prepare Bathing Powder Naturally at Home
What you Need:
- 100gms of Gram Flour (Home made Flour will be better)
- 100gms of Green Gram Flour (Home made Flour will be better)
How to prepare:
- Take the Gram Flour in a bowl.
- Add the Green Gram Flour.
- Mix it thoroughly till it mixes well.
Why it works:
Green gram flour is known for its gentle action of opening the pores of the skin which helps in sweat more and removes toxins from the body. Gram flour lightens the skin giving a glow to your skin.
Use this bathing powder regularly instead of soap. You will astonished when your skin becomes buttery smooth. You will have healthier skin and your overall health will be improved as the toxins are removed regularly from your body.
This Ayurvedic Bath, is an excellent daily rejuvenation, detoxifying and cleansing and purificatory ritual that is best done in the morning at a quiet time.
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