Ringworm is a very common fungal infection that is not, despite its name, caused by a worm. It is caused by the fungus Tinea, which is highly contagious. Anyone can get ringworm, although some people are more susceptible than others, such as those with compromised immunity and young children.
Symptoms of ringworm include a red, scaly, circular patch on the skin or nails. It usually affects the scalp and arms, but it can appear on any part of the body. Jock itch and athlete’s foot are common forms of ringworm. One of the easiest ways to cure ringworm is to stick to natural home remedies as they are safe and reliable and don’t burn a hole in your pocket.
Things Required:
- Garlic – four cloves
- Olive oil – was required
How To:
- Take four cloves of garlic and crush them with mortar and pestle.
- Gradually add olive oil to this until it forms a paste-like consistently.
- Apply the mixture on the affected area and leave it in for 2 hours then rinse with clean cold water.
For better results, follow this method twice daily
Why it Works:
Garlic contains diallyl disulfide, an anti-inflammatory compound that limits the effects of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Garlic is one of the most potent antifungal and antimicrobial herbs.
Therefore, garlic can help fight ringworm and may even help prevent cartilage damage from arthritis.
Olive oil has antibacterial properties, a compound in olive oil, oleuropein, has been found to have potent antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral effects, which helps in curing ringworm.
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