Every human being must perform Surya Namaskar and the asanas related to it. By virtue of Surya Namaskar, the poverty of the people is done away with and they remain prosperous in many births. Results of Surya Namaskar are described thus in our scriptures:
Meaning : The man who performs Surya Namaskar daily does not get poor life even in thousand births. It is mandatory that we should perform Surya Namaskar daily to reap its benefits.
There are 12 asanas in Surya Namaskar and each asana is powerful asana which bears many benefits to the practitioner.
Check out How to Perform Surya Namaskar on detailed steps on performing Surya Namaskar.
Benefits of Asanas in Surya Namaskar
- Any Disease related to throat is healed and practitioner gets and healthy throat.
- Voice of the practitioner is also enhanced.
- Both Mind and body becomes healthy.
- Shoulders gets streched thus relieving of shoulder aches.
- Esophagus (Food Pipe) also get exercised during this asana thus providing better digestion.
- Eyesight is said to be improved a lot.
- Any disorders related to stomach is corrected. This ensures an improved digestion.
- The Chest grows Stronger.
- Hands becomes stronger and becomes well balanced.
- Disease related to Feet, Fingers also corrected.
Ashwa Sanchalanasana
- This posture stresses the small intestine as well the seminal vesicles.
- This posture relieves of constipation and diseases related to liver.
- Thinness of semen is corrected.
- Any disease related to throat is also corrected.
- Arms, legs and Knees are stretched thus relieving any aches.
- Waist is also trimmed.
- This posture works out the Pancreas which improves the digestion process.
Ashtanga Namaskara
- This posture works out the arms and shoulders, thus making them stronger.
- If ladies perform this asana before pregnancy, the new born baby could be saved from several diseases.
- Removes Dullness of the body.
- Corrects all disorders of the Male and Female reproductive Systems.
- Corrects the irregularities in Female Menstrual Cycles.
- Blood Circulation is improved increasing the glow in the face.
Rest all poses are same as the above poses and the same benefits applies to the poses.
Overall Benefits of Surya Namaskar
- Improves Blood circulation of the Body.
- Your Mantra to Weight Loss.
- Promotes a regular menstrual Cycle.
- Benefits your Skin and Hair.
- Anti-Anxiety and Calming Properties.
- Maintains the Cardio-Vascular Health.
- Stimulates the nervous System.
- Helps in stretching, flexing and toning the muscles.
- Strengthens the Immune system.
- Enhances the Cognitive Functions and strengthens the body.
- Balances your dosha.
- Good maintenance of Overall Health.
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